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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for London escort agencies is a constantly changing battle with the search engine companies, who update and change their ranking factors often. What might work one month may be a disaster the next. But wild SEO swings can be avoided with a cautious approach, and if you follow these suggestions you will find your escort agency slowly creep up the rankings.

For new sites, it maybe months and months before you see any improvement, but patience (and huge quantities of wine) is key.

Add content to your web site frequently. Change your home page often. Do not overdo things and try to force the issue. Write great content that people want to read. Link pages on your site together – do not have a page with just one link to it, as Google will think that is an unimportant page and rank it low. Use keyword rich links where you can, maybe some of them in bold. Make sure your XML sitemap is being updated.


On Site SEO

A ‘URL’ is a web page address. The home page of your web site may just be the domain name, such as ‘’ , but the URLs of interior pages can be optimised. Short, keyword rich URLs are the best.
EG: london-escort-gallery.htm  | busty-south-kensington-escort.htm | escort-agency-faq.htm

Meta TITLE tag
Considered one of the most important on page SEO ranking factors. Use the strongest keywords at the beginning. Google displays the first 65 characters so keep them concise and to the point. Describe the page accurately. Do not over stuff title tags (or anything else regarding SEO) with the same keyword. Mix it up. Make sure every page has a unique title tag
EG: busty london escort knightsbridge GFE Alice

This is used to describe the page to humans in search results, and are not tied to search engine rankings or optimization.
When someone searches, Google will display the search results like this, and in this order:


Your description should be around 160 characters and describe the page in a ‘salesy’ kind of way. For an escort page, use seductive language that may tempt someone to click on the link.
EG : Alice is a gorgeous London escort based in Knightsbridge. Open minded, bisexual, fun, well educated and a beautiful GFE. Great reviews! From £250

Hardly used anymore, and the importance of the meta keyword is diminishing, but write in five or six words. It won’t hurt. Google has stated that it DOES NOT rank keywords any more, but other search engines do.

Image ALT tags

Your escort agency Content Manager comes with the ability to apply ALT TAG descriptions to all uploaded images. This allows search engines to ‘see’ what the image is. Describe the image in a clear, concise and detailed way, unique for each girl. Use natural language and try not to exceed 100 characters
EG : Alice is a sexy busty blonde London escort with a Knightsbridge incall. £250

Image File Naming
Help Google understand what the image is by calling it something useful. The filename you give your resized, compressed image should be something like busty-knightsbridge-escort-alice.jpg and NOT anything like dsc48163.jpg.

Site Depth
Google prefers an easy to navigate site, with every page just one or two clicks away. Do not start creating pages that are tucked away and hard to find. Google’s spiders may not crawl your site that deep so do not create a single page that only has one link to it, and from that single page do not link to another page that also only has this single link to it.

Content Text
When writing content for your London escort agency web site:
1. Do not overdo it with the same keywords
2. Use the keywords you want to focus a specific page on in the first 100 words.
3. For subheadings within your text, use the H2 tag, available as an option in the FORMAT dropdown in the text editor
4. Try to link from within articles to other pages within your site using keywords, but do this sparingly. Just two or three per page.
5. Link to external sites too – if linking to a relevant site this will help Google understand what your page or site is all about.
6. Each page on your web site should have AT LEAST 600 words, but you should be aiming for two thousand words on blog articles if you can. Actual escort pages can be light on text as they are made up mostly of stats, pricing and a few pictures, so it’s important from an SEO point of view to write a meaty bio or somehow add other text. Generally speaking, the more text you have, the better the page will rank.
7. Make your pages interesting. With the advent of Google Analytics, how long someone spends on a page is now tracked. The longer someone spends on a page the more important that page will be in the eyes of Google.
8. Bold and italicize keywords occasionally on each of your pages.
9. Try to optimize different pages for different keywords – ie – do not go for ‘london escorts’ on every page – but go for ‘[location] escorts’, or girl type, or service type, or some other phrase.
10. Embedded video helps too, and if you can upload the video to YouTube and embed that video you will also be getting a juicy link from YouTube.


And now for some good news……Long Tail Keywords
While it maybe next to impossible to get into the top three or four pages for the search term ‘London Escorts’ it IS possible to get high with what is referred to as ‘long tail keywords’. These are lesser used search phrases but collectively can bring in a decent amount of traffic. Examples of LTKs would be things like ‘busty escorts in south kensington‘, or ‘open minded Asian escorts‘, or ‘elite escorts in london for dinner dates‘. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of LTKs that can have content optimised for, and to begin with you should focus on this, and the organic ranking of bigger search terms will naturally follow.


Off Site SEO
A little more tricky to do, and very time consuming, but off site SEO refers to incoming links (called backlinks) from other sites to yours. A site with high quality backlinks will usually rank higher than a site without quality backlinks.

A few years ago linking was all the rage and today that has changed somewhat, with the focus very much away from quantity of links to quality. A quality link from a relevant web site will show Google how important your site is. Conversely, dozens of links from poorly ranked sites will also show Google how poor your site is too. So link to other sites very selectively. Escort directories and review sites often want to exchange links with you – and want their link at the bottom of the home page. Your Moist Pixels’ content manager comes with the ability to easily add links to the footer area of your home page for this very reason, but be careful whom you receive links from. Make sure it is a highly regarded, well ranked and relevant site. Linking to loads of poorly ranked escort directories will help them, and hurt you. Please contact us with any questions. You probably know all of the main directories in London and really, that’s all you should worry about.

Other ways to achieve backlinks is to write articles for various blogging sites (such as Quora) and by using social media to link to you.


Other SEO Factors

Download Speeds
Your site has been written in efficient PHP and if with Moist Pixels, hosted on a fast server in Europe. After that – the major factor that can slow a web site down is the sizes of the images. While your content manager will change the physical size of the images to fit nicely into the website it does not compress the images. Compressing the images is reducing the file size (or ‘weight’) of the images. For example, a bucket maybe empty and light in weight, but if you were to fill it with water it will be heavy, yet still the same physical size. Image compression must be done before the image is uploaded. We always recommend the SAVE FOR WEB function in Photoshop Elements (or software equivalent), and this will allow you to very easily reduce the file size whilst maintaining image quality. Alternatively, there are online image compression tools too.

The Age Of Pages

The older the page is on your web site, and provided everything else SEO wise has been optimised, the higher it will rank. As escorts come and go, SEO ranking may waiver, which is why it is important to build up content sections on your web site away from the escort portfolio pages. Moist Pixels’ content managers come with tools to add pages to your web site – restaurant guides, hotel guides, things to do in certain areas of London – and it is important to add these as your girl pages will at some point be deleted as girls move on.


A Word Of Warning to Newbies
When you first start your London escort agency you will be inundated with miraculous offers to get you to page one in Google. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS. So-called SEO experts will promise you the world, but you must resist the temptation and SAVE YOUR MONEY. If in doubt, please contact us and we can talk about realistic options – but please, please PLEASE do not cave in to these amazingly tempting offers. Some agencies that are on page one now for ‘London Escorts’ spend THOUSANDS of pounds a month to get there. If it was easy everybody would be on page one. It’s not easy. It’s very, very difficult, and this particular niche in London is very competitive.